A programmer can use the classes to interact with a message queue allowing messages to be sent, received, or replied to. 程序员可以使用这些类来与消息队列交互,发送、接收或回答消息。
The traditional Java programmer would do this by defining a String parameter to oncePerSecond to contain the message to display. 传统的Java程序员将通过为oncePerSecond定义String参数来包含要显示的消息。
The second, developed with the help of Sid Stamm, a programmer, sends a special message with every page request asking that the user not be tracked. 第二个插件向每个请求页面都发送特殊消息要求用户不被跟踪,这一插件是在程序员SidStamm的帮助下开发的。
The average programmer dreads the coming of the bird, for he fears its message. 中级程序员担心这只鸟的到来,因为害怕它带来的消息。